Wednesday, January 4, 2012


With it being a new year, I could spend an hour writing about my trials and tribulations, the ups and downs of my many endeavors I pursue, but right now I just want to take a minute and write about how I am feeling so incredibly blessed. I thank God for so many things each day, yet I feel like I could never thank Him enough for giving me so much! My health, my family, my job, and most importantly my salvation! I am so rich!!! I thank Him for hearing my prayers, for listening to me complain, whine, and fuss for absolutely no good reason- but loving me anyway! I thank Him for knowing what is good for me even when I don't really think so. I thank Him for teaching me how to love everyday. I thank Him for teaching me to love my patients at work the way He loves them, just because I asked this of Him! I thank Him for letting me wake up each day so I can see the beauty He has created! Today I know this for sure- His grace is enough!

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