Friday, February 17, 2012

The Balancing Act...

BALANCE!  That is all I have to really talk about today.  Life seems to be all about finding the right balance between two things.  I feel as if I am constantly struggling to do this in seemingly every area of my life.

These are the things that I am trying to balance right now in my life…

Getting more much needed sleep….Getting up early to do much needed exercise
Eating healthy….My attempt at only occasionally indulging my addiction to soft drinks
Cleaning during the kids' nap time….Enjoying "me" time while I am ALL alone for a few minutes
Working extra to pay off bills and pay for other luxuries we enjoy as a family….Having quality family time without some of those luxuries
Strategizing (or rather, stressing about) future plans for our family….Enjoying the time with my family right now in the moment
Trying to get my house organized….Going to visit special friends and family on my days off
Looking for a new job that I may enjoy more….Enjoying and embracing the fact that I have a GREAT job right now

Oh yeah, and this week, even trying to balance literally being a blonde from being a brunette! (I'm somewhere in the middle now, LOL!)

These are just a few of my little internal dilemmas that I can think of off the top of my head.  I know all of these are things that I want.  They are mostly really great things!!!  However, in order to have the opposite, I must do the other only in moderation, or in some cases not at all.  They all make me happy to some degree.  But, the problem is I end up getting off balance and emphasizing one more than I should.  I then find myself not being able to fully enjoy each one as it is because I am thinking about the other.  I wish I had some wonderful words of wisdom about creating a perfect balancing act, but I don't.  I just thought I would share what goes on in my head on a day to day basis.

What are you trying to balance in your life right now?  How do you keep yourself on track?

Friday, February 10, 2012

What God Taught Me While Putting on My Make-up This Morning

Nearly every morning we all wake up about 7:00 or so.  Well, I say that, but what I really mean is Lily wakes up, then wakes the rest of us up at 7:00 or so…  Anyway, while Chris is getting ready for work, I take the kids downstairs and we eat breakfast and hang out awhile until Caleb is ready to take his morning nap.  As soon as he goes down, I rush to jump in the shower and get myself and Lily ready for the day before he wakes up.  Sometimes I get lucky and he takes a nice long nap and I have plenty of time to get things done.  Sometimes, though he wakes up while I am still getting ready.  I normally stop what I am doing and go straight to get him up because I don't like to hear him cry.   The problem is that this normally doesn't really solve my problem because Caleb apparently is not too amused by sitting on the floor and watching me put on my make-up and dry my hair.  Unimpressed by the little toys I hand him to play with, he usually continues to fuss and just wants me to pick him up and hold him.

So, this morning as soon as I finished in the shower I heard him fussing in his crib.  I still had quite a bit left to do to finish getting ready including putting on my make-up, doing my hair, and getting dressed.  I knew that it would take me twice as long to get those things done with him up and fussing on the floor.  I would feel like I had to stop every other minute to make him happy.  So, I made the decision to just let him stay in the crib and fuss until I was done.  I knew that I would be able to accomplish my goal much more efficiently this way.  So, as I was listening to him cry, my heart was breaking.  I just hated it.  But, I knew that even though he was crying, he really would be ok.  I knew that these tears were temporary and I had to just let him cry so that my bigger goal could be accomplished.  I knew he didn't understand that I was not just letting him cry for the heck of it, but I knew I needed to remain focused on my bigger goal.  I still love him SO much and still heard every cry for help, even though I was letting him be sad for a few minutes.  As I was thinking all of this, that is when I heard God talking to me.  My eyes opened to the realization that sometimes God does the same exact thing with us as our Father, but in much bigger situations.

He also has an ultimate goal.  He loves us SO much, but He knows that sometimes He just has to let us cry to Him while He is working on His bigger plans.  He still hears our every cry and it breaks His heart. But, He knows we WILL be ok in the end.  If He wants to accomplish His goal, sometimes He has to let us endure things are we just don't plain understand.  In the end though, He will come to us, pick us up, wipe our tears away, and pour out more love than we could ever imagine!!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

As always, please share with others if you feel led to do so!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So, if you have known me for awhile, I hope that you have found me to be somewhat of a quiet person that tries not to say too much about anyone or anything.  Probably not though…even though that has been my goal.  I know there are many times that I have opened my mouth in the past and got caught up in the gossip that goes around, even though I know I shouldn't.  Although I have dreadfully slipped up and have let hurtful words out of my mouth, I really do make an effort to embrace the old adage, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

Anyway, all of this remains true to how I feel when it comes to random gossip.   As enticing as it is, I really don't want to get involved.  However, as I am quickly approaching the BIG 3-0!!!,  I have noticed that I am becoming much more opinionated on "worldly" issues and feel the need to talk, or in this case, write about them.  The quiet, reserved, scared to hurt anyone's feelings part of me tells me just to keep my thoughts to myself and not express my true feelings.  As I'm getting older, I am starting to see that some of these issues are really important and maybe my opinion on them does matter.  If I am feeling so strongly about something, maybe I should remember that I am not only am I entitled to express it,  but in some cases I am morally obligated to express it.  I actually could play a role in helping others form an educated opinion on the issue as well.  What is the point of being passionate about something if you can't share how you feel about it with others?  When I started this blog, I hesitated.  Why?  Because I knew that those who actually took the time to read it (which I truly appreciate) would immediately form an opinion of me based on what I am writing about.  I was willfully putting myself in a very vulnerable position.  This is a new and sometimes very uncomfortable thing for me.  I know that probably some people who might come across this may think I am crazy for feeling the way I do, saying what I am saying, and writing what I write. 

 With that said, I am now starting to realize that there are some things that I just need to say.  I certainly don't want to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings, and I truly hope that I never do.  I pray that God will give me wisdom when it comes to choosing the words that come out of my mouth.  However, I know I will sometimes say something that others will disagree with.  Since I'm in the mood for old adages, I guess "That's what makes the world go 'round."  If you are ever reading this and hold differing opinions with anything that I write about, please choose to have an open mind and at least hear me out! I will always welcome a nice, peaceful discussion about whatever the topic may be.  I really am a very open-minded person.  I know that I am not always right. You may actually be able to change my views on something as well  :o)  I have a feeling that I am going to start writing about more "controversial" issues, so stay tuned and keep your mind open!! Thanks for reading, hopefully the words I say will be worth it!