Friday, February 17, 2012

The Balancing Act...

BALANCE!  That is all I have to really talk about today.  Life seems to be all about finding the right balance between two things.  I feel as if I am constantly struggling to do this in seemingly every area of my life.

These are the things that I am trying to balance right now in my life…

Getting more much needed sleep….Getting up early to do much needed exercise
Eating healthy….My attempt at only occasionally indulging my addiction to soft drinks
Cleaning during the kids' nap time….Enjoying "me" time while I am ALL alone for a few minutes
Working extra to pay off bills and pay for other luxuries we enjoy as a family….Having quality family time without some of those luxuries
Strategizing (or rather, stressing about) future plans for our family….Enjoying the time with my family right now in the moment
Trying to get my house organized….Going to visit special friends and family on my days off
Looking for a new job that I may enjoy more….Enjoying and embracing the fact that I have a GREAT job right now

Oh yeah, and this week, even trying to balance literally being a blonde from being a brunette! (I'm somewhere in the middle now, LOL!)

These are just a few of my little internal dilemmas that I can think of off the top of my head.  I know all of these are things that I want.  They are mostly really great things!!!  However, in order to have the opposite, I must do the other only in moderation, or in some cases not at all.  They all make me happy to some degree.  But, the problem is I end up getting off balance and emphasizing one more than I should.  I then find myself not being able to fully enjoy each one as it is because I am thinking about the other.  I wish I had some wonderful words of wisdom about creating a perfect balancing act, but I don't.  I just thought I would share what goes on in my head on a day to day basis.

What are you trying to balance in your life right now?  How do you keep yourself on track?

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