Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thank you Dorothy!

I've written before about how I really am passionate about health and nutrition.  Shoot, I even have another whole blog focused on it (that has been regretfully abandoned as of late).  Well, I have to say that over the past four months, I have completely buried that passion under loss of control, stress, and pregnancy cravings.  I have guiltily and ashamedly eaten anything and everything in sight.  I have felt bad about it really with just about every bite, but then I quickly justify it in some weird way.  Almost every night I feel physically miserable and know that it is because I have over indulged in junk food all day long.  I drink soft drinks like they are going out of style.  I see something that looks good and lose control immediately.  So, I guess you are probably getting my point by now that I'm very disappointed in myself.  I know my baby deserves much better and I deserve to treat myself better.

Like everything else in life it is just a matter of making one wise decision after another.  I recently had decided that I would start making those wise decisions related to food after I come back from the beach in a few weeks.

Until today….

Our totally awesome volunteer at work, Dorothy, called me out when she saw me drinking a Dr. Pepper.  She reads my blog (thanks Dorothy!) and knows where my heart really is and how I once, not too terribly long ago, was very passionate about eating whole, healthy foods.  She so kindly said she was going to act like my mom for a minute and told me how I really shouldn't be drinking it.

Of course I knew that.  Of course I've known that every time I have pigged out everyday for the past several months on junk.  I know I am not giving myself the nutrients I need, nor my baby.  Plus, I am increasing my chances of developing gestational diabetes, not to mention decreasing my chances of fitting into that bridesmaid's dress I so proudly get to wear in my sweet cousin Haylie's wedding just a few months after this baby is born.

So, what did I need to jumpstart getting myself under control?  Dorothy!  I now have a renewed determination to detox my body of this junk food and eat the way that I know is best for me and my baby.  So starting right now, no more!!  Seriously, I need accountability in my life.  If you do see me eating junk food, call me out!!!!!

Seriously, thanks Dorothy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Katie: First of all, wow! thanks for the kind words. I feel my job as volunteer is to help make your jobs a bit are all incredible nurses, and the CNA's too! Thank you for not being upset with me when I said something. I will give you the link to the Longevity Health Clinic that I went to so many years ago. The clinic helped me so much. A young woman on there has some very appealing, easy, nutritious recipes that I have tried. Blessings to you and your family. Dorothy
