Well, Chris and I recently announced that Baby #3 is on the way! Although, we are both very knowledgable about where babies come from and knew that it could happen, for some reason we were both a little surprised that it actually did. It seemed so surreal that I actually took FIVE pregnancy tests!! (That's a record for me, and I will admit that I've always been pretty obsessed with them!)
So, we are both really happy and excited about this little blessing that God has given us!
I admit though, that due to our current circumstances, I was nervous to tell anyone. I almost felt like a teenager that might get in trouble!
Yes, there are many, many unknowns in our family's future. There would be anyway though. This news just adds a bit of extra excitement to the mix.
There are so many questions I would like to have answered right this minute, but I know that everything will unfold in God's timing, not mine.
What seems most pressing to me is Chris' job situation. He still is waiting on God to open the right door. I know it will happen soon. I am actually being quite patient as of late about it. When God answers this prayer, it will give us a better idea of what to do about my job situation. It doesn't make much sense for me to continue working full-time if this means paying for three kids to go to daycare. If you know how much that costs a month, you would completely agree with me.
Plus, as much as I do enjoy working dayshift, I miss my babies so much!! Especially my baby boy. It is so hard on the days that I work because most of the time I don't even see him. He is asleep when I leave in the morning and in bed before I get home at night. Ok, pity party done. I really am thankful that God has provided me with full time work during our current situation.
So many more questions, both little and big, are left to be answered. Is Caleb going to be ready for a big bed so he can share a room with Lily? How am I going to go anywhere by myself with a 3 year old, 1 year old, and a newborn!!!!???!! What kind of vehicle are we going to be able to get (and afford) to fit three car seats??? If I take Lily out of her current preschool/daycare where will she go? Will I homeschool? Will I really be tired for the next 10 years? How will I meet the needs of all three at the same time? I could go on and on and on with the things I think about. I know though, I just need to take a deep breath and know that all of these things will work out just fine on their own.
So, I will do just that.
And, of course say a prayer and trust that God still has a plan and this is just the next part!
I'm ready for this adventure. (I hope!)
And, Katie: I cam attest to the fact that God does come through at just the right time! Family and friends are an added blessing! You are a very special person...I pray the best of blessings and answers to prayer for you and your husband and kids. Dorothy