Well, I have been doing a lot of thinking about exactly what I would like to accomplish this year and how I'm going to go about doing it. I have broken my goals down into several different categories, based upon which part of my life it goes with. I will try to explain a bit about why I want to do each thing, although some will be quite self explanatory. Some will be short term for the purpose of being stepping stones to different or bigger goals.
Like I mentioned before, by definition, my goals will need to be the following: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Health Goals-
1. Log what I eat each day for the next four weeks in my food journal found on this blog.
By doing this, I hope to keep myself accountable to eating the right foods. At this point, I am not ready to make a likely unattainable goal like I did in this post. Although I definitely still feel very strongly about eating whole foods and staying far away from processed junk, I do not want to set myself up for failure once again. I am afraid that if I do not allow myself a little wiggle room I will end up slipping up, then I might get frustrated, give up, and binge like I have in the past. After the four weeks are over, I hope to have established such good eating habits that I may be able to set a stricter eating goal for myself.
2. Do some sort of physical activity on the days that I do not work for the next four weeks. I will also log this in my exercise journal on this blog for accountability purposes.
Eventually, I would like to get to the point that I am doing a work out six days a week. However, right now the only time I have to work out is either super early before the kids wake up or late at night after they go to sleep. I do not think working out six days a week is attainable with my current work schedule combined with Caleb still waking up once or twice a night to eat. At this point, I feel that sleep is more important. This leads me to my next goal…
3. Go to bed by 10:30 on the nights that I do not work. I need to do this at least until Caleb starts sleeping through the night.
I am a firm believer that good sleep quality and quantity are a crucial part of staying healthy. I know that I have not been able to prioritize this in my life over the past several years. When I was working night shift, even if it was just two nights a week, my sleep suffered immensely both on the weekends when I worked and during the week. Now that I am off of night shift, I still work until close to midnight two or three nights a week. By the time I get home, shower, and fall asleep, it is usually at least 1:00 in the morning. Like I said with Caleb wanting to eat once or twice between then and 7:00 in the morning when they are ready to be up for the day, I am having poor quality and quantity at least a couple times a week. So, I think that it is extra important to get a good night's sleep when I don't work.
With that said, even though I have several more categories of goals to share with you, it is now 10:34 so I better stop writing for now and go to bed!!!!
Please comment and let me know what your health goals for this year are!
I love your blog by the way. I have similar goals as well. I want to eat as much as reasonable whole food too. I am training for a half marathon for the Spring so I hope that will help me crave the right foods. It seems the more I work out the more I want to eat fruits and veggies. Right now I have slacked and work out 3 times a week but with this training it should put me at 5 days a week. I am challenged by you to food journal. I love to journal when I have my devotions but when it comes to writing down what I eat I am so undisciplined. So I am going to attempt to write my food down for one week. I look forward to more entries on your blog. Have a great week.