So, this is the time of year when everyone is making new resolutions. There are many I would like to make, but I'm tired of setting myself up for failure by resolving to do this or do that and end up failing. I, like a lot of people (I presume) set out do something and do it really well, for awhile. Then, if you are like me, you end up messing up once and then things just roller coaster out of control until you feel like saying, "forget it, I'm done." Then in a few weeks or months later, you try to pick it up again and eventually the same thing happens once again.
I'm really tired of this vicious cycle being played out in my life! I have so many ideas of how I want my life to be and how I want to live it. I'm tired of making resolutions that fizzle out and become mental stumbling blocks to my next endeavor. The time has come for me to take a much more systematic and realistic approach to enable me to accomplish what I want with my life.
So, I have decided to write out exactly what I want and what I am going to do in order to get there. So here's to good, old fashioned goal setting! Yes, just like we used to be forced to do in school and now must do at work in order to continue to get paid. Some of my goals will be very simple, some will be quite detailed and complex. Yes, I'm kind of a dork, but this really excites me!
By definition, my goals will need to be the following: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Stay tuned to see what I come up with! Please tell me what your goals for this wonderful new year are by leaving me a comment!
I am so proud of you!