The answer to this question in two words is A LOT!
I'm not normally one that likes to talk about my birthday when it is coming up, but this year I am finding myself talking about it quite a bit. I guess because it is a big one! Yes, I will say it again- I am going to be the BIG 3-0! Very soon!!! So, in honor of this big date that is quickly approaching I am going to be really dramatic and devote this blog post to my "younger years." More specifically, about a time that is, without a doubt, the most pivotal of my life. The teenage years. When I think about my teenage years, it seems like they went on forever. It seems so crazy to me now that it was only a six year period of time, yet it seems like such a huge chunk of my life. Everything seemed to be such a big deal back then. I took everything so seriously and so personal. I did a lot of learning the hard way. I did a lot of things that I am not proud of. I often ponder the strong emotions that surround the memories of this time. Oh how I wish I could've known just a few things then that I know now. I was thinking about all of these things on my way to work this afternoon, so I decided that maybe I should make a list. A list of the things that I would tell my teenage self, if that were actually possible. Who knows, maybe this list might help Lily one day. I especially hope she reads number 1!!! :o)~
So here goes…
1. Listen to your mother! She might really know what she is talking about. She loves you so much. Even if it seems like she is keeping you in prison by not letting you do all those things that seem so important right now, she just wants to protect you from yourself. She has learned what is really important in life and just wants you to open your eyes and see these things, instead of blindly falling into a dangerous pit. She wants to be your friend, but she knows that she must do what she has to do to keep you safe first. She sees the big picture of life. Save yourself some trouble and learn the easy way! Don't forget to take the time to tell her how much you love her and thank her for loving you so much. Even if you don't feel the need to do this now, you will soon. Trust me!
2. Humble yourself. You are not the only person in this world. The world does not and should not revolve around your wants and needs. While you may think that life is all about you, it is not. I know that the things in your life seem like a really big deal right now, but many of them really are not in the whole scheme of life. There is really no other way to say it. Don't take things so seriously, because what you are worried about now, really is not that important. I know you are hormonal, but really, you do not need to cry over everything.
4. Don't ever forget that God made you to be exactly who you are. You do not need to spend, rather waste, the enormous amount of time you do trying to be someone that you are not, to impress someone that really doesn't care. I know this sounds cliche, but really, you are who you are. Be yourself. If people do not like you and you have not given them any reason to not like you, then that is their problem. You will never, ever please or impress everyone, no matter how hard you try. And, that is okay. So, instead of worrying about saying the right things and acting a certain way, just simply be nice and respectful to everyone. Treat others with respect, no matter how they treat you, and you will earn the respect you want so much!
5. Don't rush this time away!!! I know you want to grow up so bad, but enjoy being young and carefree. You are at a beautiful age where you can have and express your own opinions, go to work, earn money, buy your own things, but still come back home at night and know that your mom and dad are still there to baby you if you need it. I know it seems like you are stressed out a lot, but try your best to put that stuff in perspective. Most of it is not stuff you really need to worry about. It will all work itself out in time. Relax, lighten up, and have fun!
6. Friends…. Accept the fact now that most will move on and you will not be BFF's forever. I know this is a sad concept, but people change. You will change. Things just change. There will be a few special people that you will stay in touch with though. They will be the ones that love you for who you are and do not try to get you to do things that you don't feel comfortable doing. These are the ones that respect you. Quality definitely beats out quantity when it comes to friends. Please, just remember this.
7. I would love to tell you not to worry about finding a husband when you are in high school, but you will! Yes, you will! He will be your best friend, your confidant. I will tell you though to respect him and your future marriage enough to save the things that are meant for marriage until the time comes. If you do this, there will be no regrets.
So, these are the most important things that I wish I could tell my teenage self from my 30 year old perspective. Funny thing is, most of them remain true now. I still need to remind myself of a few of these on a daily basis. I know that everything I went through, or rather, put myself through, helped mold me into who I am today. For this I am mostly thankful, but I do wish I could have been a bit wiser during those years. I am so fortunate to have those special people in my life, like my mom, and many other family members and friends that were there to nudge me in the right direction when I needed it most. I thank God for you all :o)
Now it's your turn! What would you tell your teenage self?!